Eat, Drink, Cook - Japanese Food & Recipes

  • Yuzu and Hibiscus Tea Mocktail Recipe

    Yuzu and Hibiscus Tea Mocktail Recipe

    Here is another nice drink with dried yuzu peel ,continuing on from the previous article. Yuzu, sometimes called Japanese citron in English, is a type of citrus fruit that is...

  • Green Tea Tempura Recipe

    Green Tea Tempura Recipe

      The shincha (first flush tea) season is here. It's the busiest season for tea farmers, picking young tea leaves and processing them for making tea.  Only during this season...

  • Chazuke (Rice with Green Tea) Recipe

    Chazuke (Rice with Green Tea) Recipe

    Cha 茶, or ocha means tea in Japanese, and chazuke 茶漬け or ochazuke is a traditional Japanese dish made by pouring green tea over cooked rice with savory toppings. It’s...

  • Tea Infused Mulled Wine Recipe

    Tea Infused Mulled Wine Recipe

    Indulge yourself with this "tea-wine" on the festive season. This fruity warm drink will put you in the festive spirit and impress your holiday guests.    Combination of Black Tea...

  • Green Tea Salt Recipe

    Green Tea Salt Recipe

    Let's incorporate the flavor of green tea into our cooking as well as drinking. It's Tea Salt! This is the simplest recipe ever. Mix some green tea with some salt from...

  • Matcha Strawberry Milkshake Recipe

    Matcha Strawberry Milkshake Recipe

    If you love strawberries and matcha, you’re going to love this drink!! It’s so juicy and fresh, and complemented by a bright, subtle bitter taste with a sweet note.  ...

  • Hojicha Mochi Muffin Recipe

    Hojicha Mochi Muffin Recipe

    What is "Mochi Muffin"?! Most Japanese people could never guess what it is. In fact, I was also one of those people until I read an article written in Los...

  • Hojicha Coffee Latte Recipe

    Hojicha Coffee Latte Recipe

    The New Year has started! 2023 is a Usagi-doshi, or Year of the Rabbit, according to the 12-year cycle of zodiacal animals.      The idea of zodiacal animals originally came...

  • Genmaicha Matcha Latte Recipe

    Genmaicha Matcha Latte Recipe

      This Genmaicha Matcha latte is such a bliss. It's lighter and refreshing, which is different from the Matcha Latte you may already know. The fragrant aroma of Genmaicha and...

  • Hojicha & Chocolate Coated Almonds Recipe -

    Hojicha & Chocolate Coated Almonds Recipe

    "Cocoa dusted almonds" and "Chocolate covered almonds"... many people love these snacks. Let's make delicious almonds with a Japanese twist using Hojicha powder!    Hojicha powder   Hojicha is roasted green...

  • Enjoy the Rich Taste  - Matcha White Brownie Recipe - -

    Matcha White Brownie Recipe

    Have you had any matcha sweets? Have you made them by yourself? What I love about matcha sweets is I can enjoy a nice flavor of matcha and also enjoy sweet...

  • How to make the most of Hojicha powder, Hojicha Roll Cake Recipe -

    Hojicha Roll Cake Recipe

    Can you see what this is?     This is Hojicha powder. Hojicha powder is finely ground Hojicha leaves. It is superfine and smooth like Matcha. You can make a cup of...