About Yunomi

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Offering the world's largest selection of Japanese tea, Yunomi.life bridges linguistic & cultural barriers that separate Japanese tea farmers and tea enthusiasts worldwide.

More than “farm-to-table”, we believe in “people-to-people”—at Yunomi.life, read about the farmers who grow your tea, as we translate your feedback into Japanese so the farmers can also learn about you! Commerce can be more about the transaction of goods, it can be a form of communication, conveying the passion of the producers and the appreciation of customers.

Staffed by the bilingual tea and Japanese culture experts of MATCHA LATTE MEDIA KK, we seek to put Japanese culture into the hands of consumers around the world through tea. Come and join us in living a life steeped in tea!



The Problem

Our story begins with this fact: 95% of tea produced in Japan, stays in Japan. With the exception of a few major players, the Japanese tea industry is made up of thousands of small tea businesses (factories, wholesalers, and shops) and tens of thousands of tea farms. This situation, combined with a language barrier, lack of technical skills, and the complexity of international logistics & regulatory hurdles, explains why it is so difficult for buyers around the world to obtain variety and quality from the Japanese tea market.

A market in decline: The most unfortunate aspect of tea in Japan is that it is being replaced by mineral water, carbonated soda, and of course coffee. 3 decades ago there were 202,673 tea farms; in 2015, there were only 20,144

With the average age of farmers over 67, and little incentive for the younger generations to take up the hard work of farming, we are seeing the slow disappearance of an industry and tradition.

Our Solution

Simplifying the supply chain from farm to cup, our solution is to help destroy the language and logistics barriers separating Japan from the rest of the world (less than 5% of Japan's tea is exported). 

Through Yunomi.life, small businesses—particularly the family owned and operated farms and factories—we provide access to the global market (and vice versa!), providing new hope for a dying industry.

We make it easy for tea connoisseurs around the world to reach small, artisan businesses in the Japanese tea industry. From family-owned tea farms to artisan teaware studios, tiny tea processors, and historical tea shops, we help by handling localization, promotion, export regulations and shipping. By listing these businesses and their products onto Yunomi.life, we create a gateway into the world of Japanese tea.

yunomi simplifies tea exports


Meaning literally "drinking tea", Yunomi is also the word for the Japanese tea cup itself, and of course a deliberate play on the words "You know me".

We have created a place to not only easily find the best teas Japan has to offer, but a system by which buyers and sellers can learn about each other despite the language barrier.

BUYERS have access to detailed information about all suppliers. Reviews of products are meant not only for other customers, but when useful, are translated into Japanese as feedback for the sellers.

SELLERS are informed of the first name, city, and country of a customer and the product they purchased. They can also post photos of their activities here, promoting their work and lifestyle.

YUNOMI - a tea adventure in the Land of the Rising Sun

And Yunomi is a lifestyle, hence the URL Yunomi.life. A lifestyle centered around drinking tea, the #yunomilife aspires to healthy and natural living with a Japanese flair.



Ian Chun

Born and raised in Honolulu, Hawaii, Ian made his first solo trip off the island when he set off to Brown University determined to become an astronomer. Sleeping through his first year courses in quantum mechanics and linear algebra, he discovered Japanese authors Haruki Murakami and Yasunari Kawabata.

Much to the chagrin of his parents (who had hopes he would become an engineer), Ian set off on the Philosopher's Path in 1999, immersing himself in the culture and society of Japan. His in-depth knowledge and appreciation for the culture of Japan (as well as his Hawaiian background) has opened many doors in the Japanese tea world—one of Japan's most traditionally closed industries—forming the foundation of Yunomi.


ABOUT THE COMPANY (Legal Notice / 特定商取引法に基づく表記)

  • Company Name: 株式会社MATCHA LATTE MEDIA
  • Person in charge: Ian Chun, CEO
  • Address: Office: 2-5-8-6F Hiratsuka, Shinagawa-ku, Tokyo, 142-0051 Japan
  • Contact: support{at}yunomi.life / TEL: +81-3-6681-8118, FAX: +81-3-4578-2108
  • Fees other than product prices: Sales tax, Shipping & Handling charges Shipping and handling charges will differ depending on the weight of your order, and the shipping region. To calculate the shipping fee, place your items in your cart, then use the calculator on the CART page to set your region.
  • Time to delivery: This depends on the method of shipping chosen. See Shipping Policies for details
  • Payment: Payment is made easily and securely through PayPal.
  • Returns: Please see our return policy on the Shipping Policies page.
  • Privacy Policy: Please see the privacy policy tab on the Policies page

  • 責任者:代表取締役 Ian Chun
  • 所在地:事務所:〒142-0051 東京都品川区平塚2-5-8-6F
  • 連絡先:support{at}yunomi.life / TEL: 03-6681-8118, FAX: 03-4578-2108
  • 商品代金以外にご負担いただく費用:消費税及び送料 ※送料は商品の重さ、配送地域により異なります。 詳しい内容は、商品をカートに入れて「カート」ページでご計算ができます。
  • 商品の引渡し時期:配送方法によって異なります。詳しい内容は、Shipping Policiesにご参照ください。
  • お支払いについて:お支払いは、PayPalの決済システムがご利用できます。
  • 返品について:基本的に返品が不可能です。詳しくは、ご連絡ください。
  • プライバシーポリシー:「Policies」のページの「Privacy Policy」のセクションをご覧ください。

Sobre Nosotros

Yunomi salva la brecha del idioma y las barreras culturales que separan a los productores de té japoneses de los entusiastas del té de todo el mundo. Más que "del cultivo a la mesa", creemos en "de personas a personas"; en Yunomi, lee sobre los agricultores que cultivan tu té, ¡ya que traducimos tus comentarios al japonés para que los agricultores puedan conocerte! ¡Ven y únete a nosotros en una vida repleta de té!

À propos

Yunomi dépasse les différences de culture et de langue qui séparent les agriculteurs japonais spécialisés dans le thé et les passionnés de thé à travers le monde. Plus qu'une approche « de la ferme à la table », nous croyons en un échange « d'un individu à un autre » — chez Yunomi, découvrez les fermiers qui font pousser votre thé, pendant que nous traduisons vos commentaires en japonais pour que les fermiers puissent aussi en apprendre plus sur vous ! Venez nous rejoindre dans une vie imprégnée de thé!

Über uns

Yunomi überbrückt die sprachlichen und kulturellen Grenzen, die japanische Teebauern von den Teeliebhabern auf der ganzen Welt trennen. Über "vom Feld zum Tisch" hinaus glauben wir an "Menschen für Menschen". - Bei Yunomi können Sie mehr über die Bauern erfahren, die Ihren Tee anbauen. Denn wir übersetzen Ihre Rückmeldungen auf Japanisch, damit die Bauern auch etwas über sie erfahren können. Kommen Sie und werden Sie Teil eines Lebens voller Tee!