Eat, Drink, Cook - Japanese Food & Recipes

  • Pumpkin Shiratama Dango (Mochi balls) Recipe

    Pumpkin Shiratama Dango (Mochi balls) Recipe

    Here is the seasonal sweet I made with some Japanese traditional ingredients. It's pumpkin shiratama dango!  Shiratama dango (白玉団子) is a type of chewy mochi sweet made from shiratamako (白玉粉)...

  • What's shiratama flour and how is it used?

    What's shiratama flour and how is it used?

    What's shiratamako (shiratama flour)? Shiratamako or shiratama flour is made from mochigome(餅米), glutinous short-grain rice or sticky rice in English, and used to make many types of wagashi (traditional Japanese...

  • Hojicha Mochi Muffin Recipe

    Hojicha Mochi Muffin Recipe

    What is "Mochi Muffin"?! Most Japanese people could never guess what it is. In fact, I was also one of those people until I read an article written in Los...