Professional's Guide to Japanese Tea

  • Does the Best Gyokuro Come from Yame? -

    Does the best gyokuro come from Yame?

    Magnificent scenery with mountainous valleys and open plains Centuries of tradition and rich cultural heritage A welcoming rural community Award-winning gyokuro... If the above descriptions resonate with you, Yame may...

  • ほうじ茶ラボ 始動! -

    ほうじ茶ラボ 始動!

    ほうじ茶..... みなさんはどうやって作るか知っていますか? この度、Ogura Tea Garden の小倉さんに協力していただき、YUNOMIオリジナルのほうじ茶商品を作ってみようという話になりました。 今回、まずはごあいさつということで、神奈川県小田原市にあるTEA FACTORY如春園に伺いました。    お店に入ると、左手の工房にこんな機械が。 なにに使うものか、わかりますか?             茶葉を焙煎する機械です。      「実際にほうじ茶を作ってみましょう。」ということで、早速、ほうじ茶作りを見せていただけることに。     まず火をつけて、筒があたたまるまで待ちます。 筒があたたまったら、茶葉を入れます。  ときどき、中の茶葉を取り出して、火の入り具合を確認します。                  こうやって確認しながら、どこまで茶葉を焙じるのか決めます。 焙じるのはここまで、というタイミングが来たら、茶葉を取り出します。            ...

  • Kumamoto-cha & Miyazaki-cha -

    Kumamoto-cha & Miyazaki-cha

    Hello, happy half moon in August!  Late August is usually a time when the bell crickets (鈴虫; Suzumushi) start to sing and chime in Japan.  Their singing can be peaceful...

  • Hojicha Roasting Experiment -

    Hojicha Roasting Experiment

    As I wrote in the previous article, we've started developing Hojicha products.   We made 3 types of Hojicha this time using first flush Aracha (unrefined tea) from Kagoshima.   ...

  • The Hojicha Project has started! -

    The Hojicha Project has started!

    Do you know what Hojicha is?  It's roasted tea (in Japan, generally roasted green tea)    If you have heard about it, do you know how to make Hojicha, then? Not...

  • History Notes Along with Your Cup of Ureshino Tea -

    History Notes Along with Your Cup of Ureshino Tea

    Kyushu (九州) is Japan’s third largest island and is located at the very Southwest end of Japan. It is made up of the following 8 prefectures: Kagoshima, Nagasaki, Saga, Miyazaki, Kumamoto,...

  • A Taste of Kagoshima Tea -

    A Taste of Kagoshima Tea

    Kagoshima is the 2nd largest tea producing prefecture in Japan, after Shizuoka.  It is only recently however that Kagoshima has obtained recognition for producing high-end tea.  For several decades, Kagoshima...

  • Recommended Videos About Tea in Shizuoka -

    Recommended Videos About Tea in Shizuoka

    A collection of amazing, inspirational, and/or informative videos about tea from Shizuoka. "Drainspotters #1 Green Tea" by NHK World-Japan Video by NHK WORLD-JAPAN Japan's artistic manhole covers tell the tale...